Tariff-rate quota
A tariff-rate quota is a right for reduced tariffs for a product. Quotas are given for a limited period and a specific quantity. The Norwegian Agricultural Agency allocates most of the tariff-rate quotas for agricultural products.
Some of the quotas are global, i.e., valid for import from all countries, while others are bilateral, i.e., valid for import from a specific country or group of countries as a result of a trade agreement. In addition, there are also unilateral quotas that are valid for import from developing countries, such as the quotas that derive from the GSP (Generalized System of Preference).
How to obtain a tariff-rate quota
Tariff-rate quotas are either allocated through auctions, applications, or on a first-come, first-served basis.
Most of the quotas are distributed through an auctioning system. To participate in auctions, your company must be registered in advance, and should be creditworthy. If your company is not creditworthy, you can provide a bank guarantee. The registration forms and the auctioning system itself are available in Norwegian only.
A complete overview of the different quotas, their allocation methods and deadlines, is available on the Norwegian website.